If messages from a known or a legitimate email address are being marked as spam, you can rectify the problem by using the “Trusted Senders” feature. This feature allows you to whitelist email addresses or domains so they will bypass the spam filtering rules you have set up. Thus, any email received from the Trusted Senders will be landed directly into your inbox, without being filtered.
NOTE: Any content filtering rules you have configured will NOT be bypassed by adding users to the Trusted Senders list.
1. Login to ENTP MAIL interface with your email account.
2. On ENTP MAIL screen, Click the “Settings” link in the top navigation menu (the icon that looks like a gear).
3.Click “Spam Filtering”
4.On the right in the Trusted Senders window, click the Pencil icon next to either Trusted Domains or Trusted Email addresses.

5. Enter the Domain or Email address you want to whitelist.
6. Click the “Ok” button.
7. Click the “Save” button.
To Block the Sender, follow the below steps:
For various reasons you may wish to have an email address blocked from delivering emails to your inbox in ENTP MAIL.
1. Login to ENTP MAIL interface with your email account.
2. On ENTP MAIL screen, Click the “Settings” link in the top navigation menu (the icon that looks like a gear).
3.Click “Spam Filtering”
4.On the right in the Blocked Senders window, click the Pencil icon next to Block senders.

5.Enter the email address you want to blacklist.

6. Click the “Ok” button and check the Actions you wish to apply for it.

7. Click the “Save” button.