How to view/manage tasks in ENTP Mail?

3 Bar Icon

At the top of the folders view you’ll see the 3 Bar icon. This allows you to hide or show the tree view, which is extremely beneficial when viewing your inbox on smaller devices.

Task Views

In general, the Tasks page is divided into two sections:

  • The Tasks view displays all of your task sources and any Categories that have been created. This includes “Tasks”, which are tasks you add to ENTP Mail, and any sources that other users have shared with you.
  • Individual cards that represent every task you have displayed.

Viewing Tasks

When you view your tasks, each task you have created or that’s being shared with you will be listed on a separate card. Each card lists the following information, which is described in detail further down this page:

  • Task Subject – This is the descriptive title of the task, such as “Fill out mortgage paperwork” or “Review New Website Content”
  • Description – These are the details of the task. Using the HTML editor, a task’s details can include bold text, lists, different fonts or fonts with different colors, pictures, links to websites or videos and more. You can as creative as you like
  • Source – This tells you where the task came from> E.g., Tasks or a shared task list.
  • Start – The date and time the task is set to begin.
  • Due – The date and time the task should be completed.
  • Priority – This allows you to set a level of importance for each task. A priority makes it much easier to sort tasks based on how important it is to complete those tasks.
  • Status – Generally, these are:
    • Canceled – The task was created, but it was eventually decided it wasn’t necessary.
    • Not Started – The task was created — perhaps more information is needed or it’s dependent on a task from another user — so it hasn’t been started yet.
    • Completed – The task is finished.
    • In Progress – The task is currently being worked on.
  • % Complete – This allows you to periodically update where you are in terms of completing the task. This is especially helpful if the task is being shared with others within your organization. As an aside, once a task hits 100%, it’s “Status” will automatically change to “Completed”. Conversely, if a task was set to 100% and, therefore, Completed, if the Completion Percentage changes to less than 100%, the Status of the task automatically changes to “In Progress”.

In general, the following options are available when viewing all of your Tasks:

  • New – Creates a new task.
  • Select – Allows you to select more than 1 task at a time. To select multiple tasks, click Select and then click on one or more cards. To exit Select mode, click the Select button again. To de-select a task, simply click on it again. Alternatively, click the down arrow and you’re presented with the following options:
    • Select All – Selects all tasks in the list you are viewing.
    • Deselect All – Deselects the selected task(s).
    • Delete – Deletes the selected tasks. NOTE: You can also use the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • Sorting menu – Clicking the Sorting menu brings up the following options:
    • Subject – The name/title of the task.
    • Due Date – The date the task is due to be completed.
    • % Complete – How far along the task is in terms of meeting its deadline.
    • Priority – The importance of the task.
    • Ascending – Sort order placing the items that are most active/recent/important first.
    • Descending – Sort order placing the items that are least active/recent/important first.
    • Not Started – Status noting that the task has yet to be started.
    • In Progress – Status noting that the task is currently being worked on.
    • Completed – Status noting that the task is finished.
    • Canceled – Status noting tha the task was canceled and will not be worked on.
  • Actions (…) menu – Clicking the Actions menu brings up the following:
    • Add to Outlook – Connects ENTP Mail to Microsoft Outlook and synchronizes task information.

Tasks and Calendars

As tasks generally have a timeframe associated with them, you can choose to have your tasks displayed in your calendar, just as you do other events. You can opt to have the start time and/or the end times displayed. You can also hide Tasks from your calendar that have been marked as “Completed”. To manage all this, go to your User Settings and open up Calendar Settings. On the Options card, you can enable or disable “Display task start times in the calendar view”, “Display task due times in the calendar view” and “Hide completed tasks”. As with any other calendar event, task start times and end times both trigger any notification you have set for the task.

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